NJ ATSA Grant Initiative – up to $5,000 awarded annually
To create new opportunities for individuals and/or agencies, and to continually strive to meet national ATSA’s mission to “foster research, facilitate information exchange, further professional education and provide for the advancement of professional standards and practices in the field of sex offender evaluation and treatment,” NJ ATSA is sponsoring a grant initiative, and will award a maximum of $5000 annually.
Objective: To support individuals or agencies that are interested in undertaking a project, or seeking additional support for an existing project that will help to advance the field at the local and/or national level. Empirical research projects are preferred.
Eligibility: Individual or groups, students, or agencies that work with, or provides services for sexual abusers, or are conducting research related to this field.
To be considered, an applicant must provide:
• How the project is expected to benefit the field and a list of positive outcomes that will be produced.
• Description and procedures of the project
• Projects that involve empirical research with human subjects, whether
through intervention or interaction or in the form of identifiable private
information will be asked to provide additional information, such as
Institutional Review Board (IRB) pre-approval and informed consent and
other procedures and safeguards for the individual(s).
• Additional information if requested.
The grantee must additionally agree to:
• Announcement of the grant award, example: verbally at a NJ ATSA meeting, or via email or social media.
• Share all findings and outcomes with the NJATSA Board
To apply, fill out the Grant Application and email to NJATSA@gmail.com.