Janet DiGiorgio-Miller, Ph.D.
Dr. Janet DiGiorgio-Miller is a licensed psychologist in private practice in New Jersey. She has over thirty years of clinical experience in working with adolescents and families. Dr. DiGiorgio-Miller specializes in mindfulness, and treatment of relationships and anxiety.
Dr. DiGiorgio-Miller is a forensic psychologist. She conducts Parenting Time (Custody) Evaluations and treats persons who act out sexually or have sexual addictions. Dr. DiGiorgio-Miller served on the board of the national Board for the Association for Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Abuse.
She is on the Ethics and Child and Adolescent Committees.
Dr. DiGiorgio-Miller has several publications in the field and published a self-help book for young adults called “A Great Relationship & Then Some.” She has been a frequent presenter both locally and nationally on
various topics including; reunification, relationship issues and mindfulness.

Julie McBride, MA
Past President
Julie McBride has been a member of ATSA since 2003. She earned her Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from Georgian Court University. She began her career working with the developmentally disabled population providing direct care and managing a group home for ARC for more than 5 years. Julie began her work with sex-offenders in 2000 at the Special Treatment Unit where she has been involved with many aspects of sex-offender treatment. She facilitated rehabilitation and behavior modification, therapy and psychoeducational groups, managed an Interdisciplinary Treatment Team in addition to other duties such as curriculum development. Julie currently works as a Supervising Program Development Specialist and is responsible for compliance with a federal class action lawsuit settlement as well as developing and implementing policy and programming. She also oversees staff training and quality assurance of the treatment program. In addition, Julie serves on a Statewide Wellness Committee tasked with implementing wellness initiatives within the NJ state hospital system. She has provided outpatient sex-offender specific treatment for a private practice in Monmouth County, and functioned as an Adjunct Psychology Professor at Brookdale Community College for more than 10 years. Julie has been a NJATSA board member for 4 years. While on the board, she has brought in such speakers as Andrew Harris, Ph.D., William Marshall, Ph.D., and Jill Levenson, Ph.D. & LCSW.

Marty Krupnick, Psy.D.
Martin Krupnick, Psy.D. is a founding member and Treasurer of the NJ ATSA, after developing the NJ Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (NJATSO), which worked to provided training to clinicians, probation and parole officers. He is a licensed psychologist (NJ License No. 1846) with a practice in Freehold, where he specializes in working with juveniles with sexually inappropriate behaviors, adult sex offenders and male victims of sexual assault. He is also the Executive Director of IEP Youth Services, a not-for-profit agency which works with youth with sexually inappropriate behaviors. He is a consulting psychologist for the NJ Juvenile Justice Commission’s Special Needs Assessment Panel, and the clinical director of the Monmouth County Probation Offenders Program. He is a member of the Advisory Board for the Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center/MultiDisciplinary Team. He has been on many state and county committees focused on both adult sex offenders as well as juveniles with sexually inappropriate behaviors, including the NJ Bar Association’s Megan’s Law Sub-Committee.

Heather Burnett, LCSW
Heather Burnett is a graduate of McGill University in Montreal, Canada, having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, a Bachelor of Social Work and a Masters of Social Work. In Canada, Heather was active in grassroots community organizing. Upon moving to the United States, Heather began her career at the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center. She is currently the Director of Social Work at the Special Treatment Unit – an inpatient facility for civilly committed sex offenders in Avenel, NJ. As a licensed clinical social worker, she maintains an active private practice assessing and treating adult, sex offenders. She also volunteers as an advocate for domestic violence victims with her local Domestic Violence Response Team. Heather has been an NJATSA board member since 2008. As a member of the NJATSA Membership Committee, Heather has played a significant role in formalizing the membership and registration process resulting in a noteworthy growth in NJATSA memberships since 2008. Additionally, Heather has been active in steering NJATSA towards increasing partnerships with various community stakeholders including residential programs and the religious communities with her involvement with the “Building Bridges: Working with communities of faith to help recovering sex offenders in the community” meetings in 2015/16 and the “Understanding Sex Offenders: An overview for direct care staff and case managers” meeting in June 2014.

Ruth Anne Koenick, MA
Survivor Representative
Ruth Anne Koenick is the former Director of the Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance at Rutgers University, New Brunswick campus, a position she held for 26 years until she retired in 2016. Ms. Koenick is a graduate of the University of Maryland and George Washington University. She has worked in the field of violence against women for over 45 years having co-founded with her colleagues Chris Courtois and Debbie Watts, the Women’s Crisis Center at The University of Maryland, which is often credited as the first rape crisis center on a college campus. The former coordinator of the Middlesex County (NJ) Rape Crisis Center, Ruth Anne is a founder and past president of the New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NJCASA). She served as chair of the Advisory Committee, charged by the New Jersey Commission on Higher Education to develop the Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights for all post-secondary institutions in New Jersey. Ruth Anne has developed and implemented prevention and educational programs on sexual violence throughout her career and in particular for the past 26 years at Rutgers University. In addition to having been the director of VPVA, Ruth Anne continues to teach a course on Violence and Abuse in Childhood and a course on Women’s Issues in the Rutgers School of Social Work MSW program. She also teaches in the Graduate School of Education Ed.M. program in College Student Affairs. In 2011 Ms. Koenick received the NJCASA Lifetime Achievement Award and the Wise Woman Award from ACPA. Ruth Anne has also received the Wynona M. Lipman Leadership Award from the NJ Department of Community Affairs, the Rutgers University President’s Award for Excellence in Administration, and the Rutgers University President’s Award for Outstanding Service and Contributions to the University Community. In 2000, she was honored as a “milestone of the 20th century” by the Feminist Majority Foundation for her “unique contribution to the historical struggle for women’s equality and human rights”. She was appointed to the NJ Governor’s Advisory Council Against Sexual Violence and the National Campus Advisory Board for the United States Department of Justice Grants to Reduce Violent Crimes Against Women on Campus. Since 1994 Ruth Anne has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Hyacinth AIDS Foundation, New Jersey’s oldest AIDS service agency and has been VP for Development and chaired AIDSWALK NJ. Ruth Anne has several publications on the prevention of violence against women with an emphasis on college age women, bystander intervention, and the use of theater in primary prevention work.

Marlene Anderson, LCSW, JSOCCP
Ms. Anderson is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with the State of New Jersey. She obtained her Masters in Social Work from Rutgers University with a concentration in Violence Against Women and Children and a minor in psychology. She also achieved an Associates in Science in Addictions Counseling and holds a Juvenile Sexual Offending Counselor Certification Program (JSOCCP). Ms. Anderson has received certifications in various trainings and provided services to victims of Domestic Violence (on-call weekend volunteering with police departments), Trauma and Trauma Informed Care, Working with LGBTQ+ youth, and victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation. For the past four years she has been the program director for the Kids In Transition program. She is responsible for the service provision for youth with varied behavioral and emotional struggles including sexually inappropriate, fire setting, substance abusing, and severely aggressive behaviors.
Ms. Anderson’s fundamental motivation is aiding the youth, and their families, that she serves in advancing emotionally, spiritually, and physically whilst concurrently gaining self-awareness and self-worth. Ms. Anderson’s innate conception of the need for safe, healthy, and nurturing connections alongside firm structuring to effect change in youth and their families serves to competently impact and complement the therapeutic relationship. Her extensive clinical training, knowledge and work include: victims of sexual abuse, sexually problematic youth, individuals with complex trauma, structural family therapy, attachment, TF-CBT, and motivational interviewing. Ms. Anderson’s professional experiences include working a trauma informed care approach with individuals transitioning from long term psychiatric institutions, adult survivors of child sexual abuse, and supporting youth in correctional and residential facilities.

Adam Brown, Ph.D.
Adam Brown is assistant professor of social work at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College, City University of New York, a clinical consultant at the Institute for Sexual Wellness in Weymouth, MA, and an expert consultant with Park Dietz & Associates, Inc., Newport Beach, CA. His clinical and research focus is on the assessment of adolescent and young adult males with problem sexual behaviors. He is currently funded to study the impact of male role modeling on adolescent and young adult males who have sexually harmed. He is the author of multiple peer reviewed journal articles, most recently in Sexual Abuse and Journal of Interpersonal Violence. In Fall of 2020, he was accepted as a Fellow of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA).

La Teisha Callender, Ph.D.
Dr. Callender’s interest in treating children and families led her to earn a doctoral degree in 2002. As a graduate student, she developed an expertise in high risk sexual behavior, completing her Master’s Thesis on teenage mothers and her doctoral dissertation on the constructivist self development theory and sexual behavior of young adults. After becoming a child clinical psychologist, she began working with sexually abusive youth at the Juvenile Justice Commission. She then gained an understanding of deviant sexual behavior as a Clinical Psychologist at the Special Treatment Unit working with sexually violent males from 2004 to 2006. In 2006, she returned to the Juvenile Justice Commission as the Secure Care Juvenile Sex Offense Treatment Program Coordinator. Currently employed by Rutgers University, she also supervises the clinical staff of the Juvenile Justice Commission’s Pinelands Residential Community Home. She has developed presentations on sex offenders and their families for Long Island University, Clinical Psychology Program, Family Violence Graduate Course, the FBI National Academy in Quantico, VA, and Morris County Unit of the National Association of Social Workers, NJ. Dr. Callender has been a member of the NJ Psychological Association for fifteen years. As NJ ATSA Board Member she brings an informed perspective about the challenges youth and families encounter in navigating the juvenile correction system. She is passionate about empowering juveniles and families move past their histories of intergenerational poverty, violence, abandonment, neglect and trauma to embrace healthier futures.

Ingrid Diaz, Ph.D

Rachael Gillin, MS
Rachael Gillin completed her undergraduate degree in Law and Justice from The College of New Jersey and went on to receive her Masters in Counseling Psychology – Clinical Mental Health at Holy Family University. She has supervised youth with sexually abusive behavior in Mercer County since 2005. She is also a clinician with Rutgers University UBHC where she provides outpatient treatment for adults. Rachael has been a member of the NJATSA Board since 2012 and was the recipient of NJATSA’s 2021 Barbara Frank Award.

Stuart Leeds, Psy.D.
Dr. Stuart Leeds is a clinical psychologist with a private practice group in Parsippany. His practice includes individual, marital, family, and group therapy of children, adolescents and adults. He regularly conducts diagnostic evaluations and reports for a variety of applications, including forensic and high risk situations. Dr. Leeds also specializes in forensic psychology, juvenile and adult behavioral and sexual offenders, and adventure-based experiential therapies. Dr. Leeds received his B.A. in Psychology at SUNY Stony Brook in New York. He also received a separate Masters’ degree at the City College of New York, and at the Illinois School of Professional Psychology, where he completed his doctorate degree. Dr. Leeds completed a post-doctoral Associate Fellowship at the Institute for Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy in New York City. Dr. Leeds has additional post-doctoral training in the assessment and treatment of adult and juvenile offenders, family in crisis management, short-term group psychotherapy with severe behavioral and pathological disorders, fire-setter assessments, and in working with at risk populations.

Cheyenne Lorusso, BA
Cheyenne has her BA in Criminal Justice. She has several years of experience working with youth who have problematic/illegal sexual behavior in a residential treatment setting. Her current position is the Specialized Care Coordinator for Bergen County. This position is part of new statewide initiative to provide educational resources and referrals to therapeutic supports for youth engaging in problematic sexual behavior and youth who were impacted by child sexual abuse. Cheyenne also does educational & preventative presentations about problematic sexual behaviors to organizations & schools across Bergen County. Cheyenne is honored to be a part of NJATSA’s mission and board of trustees.

Jennifer Schneider, Ph.D.
Jennifer E. Schneider received her Ph.D. from Rutgers University. She is a Research Scientist at the Special Treatment Unit, New Jersey’s sex offender civil commitment facility. She served as the Project Coordinator on a federally funded sex offender reentry study that provided counseling and case management to sex offenders recently released from incarceration in collaboration with the Department of Corrections and State Parole Board. In addition, she worked as a Program Development Specialist for the New Jersey Department of Corrections. She has published on the topics of sex offender treatment programs in correctional facilities, assessing treatment progress, and the management of sex offenders through the assessment of dynamic risk factors. In addition to her published work she presents at various conferences and provides training to other professionals in the areas of civil commitment and dynamic risk factors. Dr. Schneider was President of the NJ Chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers from 2013 – 2016. She is also Secretary of the Sex Offender Civil Commitment Programs Network (SOCCPN) and a member of the Research Committee and Conference Planning Committees.

Doreen Stanzione, Ed.D.
Dr. Stanzione is a licensed NJ Psychologist who is currently Acting Director of Psychology at the Special Treatment Unit (STU). At the STU she supervises and works with an interdisciplinary staff of professionals in Rehabilitation, Psychology, Social Work, and Substance Abuse. She also navigates between New Jersey systems including the Courts, the Office of the Attorney General, Parole, the Department of Corrections, and Rutgers/UMDNJ. Dr. Stanzione has worked at the STU for 13 years in various positions including Treatment Psychologist, Assessor, and Chairperson of Assessment. Her focus on best practices includes working with STU on integrating measures, such as the Stable 2007, into assessments, developing the STU’s comprehensive treatment program, and collaboration with staff and agencies to improve the STU’s discharge process.

Jackson Tay Bosley, Psy.D.
Honorary Board Member
Tay Bosley was raised in Kamakura, Japan, Bangkok, Thailand, and Hong Kong. He completed his BA degree in Religion and Psychology from the University of Hawaii in 1978 and his MA degree in Psychology from Antioch University in 1982. He returned to school and earned his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) from Rutgers University in 1999, and is licensed as a psychologist in the State of New Jersey. Dr. Bosley recently retired from 35 years of creating, running and evaluating specialized sexual offender treatment programs in Hawaii, Colorado, Tennessee and New Jersey. He most recently worked for Rutgers University Correctional Health Care, developing and administering state-wide, community-based treatment programs for sex offenders under lifetime supervision by the State Parole Board. During his career, Dr. Bosley worked to reduce interpersonal violence in our society by developing specialized treatment programs for adult sexual offenders and adolescents with sexual behavior problems in prisons, hospitals and in the community.

Jessica Oppenheim, J.D.
Honorary Board Member
Jessica S. Oppenheim, Esq. is the Director of the Criminal Justice Advocacy Program of The Arc of NJ, a statewide program which provides advocacy for people with developmental disabilities who become involved in the criminal justice system. Prior to joining The Arc of NJ in 2010, she was an Assistant Prosecutor in the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office and a Deputy Attorney General in the Division of Criminal Justice, Dept. of Law and Public Safety, from 1985 until 2010. In that capacity, she was Bureau Chief of the Prosecutor’s Supervision and Coordination Bureau, the unit which oversaw the 21 County Prosecutor’s Offices and 600 law enforcement agencies on behalf of the Attorney General. She also drafted and implemented the Attorney General’s Megan’s Law Guidelines, prosecuted Megan’s Law and domestic violence cases and provided training and policies and protocols for law enforcement agencies and prosecutors throughout the State on domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse, internal affairs policies, Megan’s Law and dealing with diverse populations. She has taught as an adjunct professor for the Paralegal Studies Program at Fairleigh Dickinson University. In addition to her Board membership for Women Aware, she served as the President of the NJ Chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers from 2016 – 2019.

Maureen O’Brien, J.D.
Honorary Board Member

Calvin Hui
Student Board Member
Radical, compassionate, courageous. Calvin is a budding MSW student, and emergent sex therapist. He has a design-oriented background and a focus on working clinically with highly-stigmatized communities, such as: minor-attracted people, individuals who have committed sexual offenses, and sexual outsiders. Currently finishing his final year of the MSW program at Rutgers University, Calvin is committed to not only addressing underrepresented and misrepresented populations, he also works actively to prevent child sexual abuse. With immense fervor, Calvin is honored to bring his evergrowing skillset to further aid NJ ATSA’s mission – helping to develop a more community-centric and sustainable world we share.