NJ ATSA Committees: Welcome Volunteers!
There are various committees within NJ ATSA that help us to run more efficiently and accomplish our mission more effectively. If you attend NJ ATSA meetings, you are welcome to participate in the committees’ work; while everyone’s contribution and feedback is valued, only NJ ATSA members are voting members. You can request to be a committee member at any time, or simply offer to assist with a specific task that may be of interest.
If you would like to participate in any of NJ ATSA’s committees, you can sign up at the registration table at NJ ATSA meetings, contact a committee member or any Board member, or email at NJATSA@gmail.com.
Committee Descriptions
Nominating and Award Committee
LaTeisha Callender & Julie McBride, Co-Chairs; Heather Burnett, Janet DiGiorgio-Miller, Lauren Gmitter, Jim Reynolds
- Coordinate the nomination and selection process for:
- Barbara Frank Award – an annual award to a member of the probation, parole or corrections community that has demonstrated extraordinary efforts in sex offender management
- Jackson Tay Bosley Award – honors promising new clinicians
- Lifetime Achievement Award – considered annually for an individual who works with, or provides services for sexual abusers, either in a clinical or non-clinical capacity.
CEU Committee
Jennifer Schneider, Chairperson; Heather Burnett, Julie McBride, Doreen Stanzione
- Arrange for CEUs for select NJ ATSA trainings.
- Communicate with outside entities and trainers to facilitate the process, and the NJ ATSA Board and membership regarding needs and procedures.
- Complete the necessary documentation and required follow-up and managing all procedural steps.
Grant and Scholarship Committee
Jennifer Schneider, Chairperson; Marty Krupnick, Stu Leeds, Jessica Oppenheim
- Maintain/update relevant application forms and program descriptions
- Review applications and selects recipients for grants and scholarships offered by NJ ATSA.
- Funds are awarded to support projects, training programs, etc. that will advance the field as well as the professional development and engagement of new clinicians and/or clinical student interns.
- Coordinate announcements with the Social Media and Website Committees, and communication to the Board and membership to promote these opportunities.
Hospitality Committee
Jennifer Schneider, Chairperson; Heather Burnett, Rachael Gillin, Julie McBride. Doreen Stanzione
- Coordinate food and refreshments for all meetings/trainings.
Membership Committee
Heather Burnett, Chairperson; La Teisha Callender, Martin Krupnick, Rachael Gillin
- Membership registration and dues
- Maintain and update all related information for the Membership Directory
- Cover the registration table for all meetings/trainings: sign-in attendees, hand out materials, and address any training or membership related issues
- Engage and cultivate diverse membership for the Board and committees
- Communication with members
Outreach / Social Media Committee
Rachael Gillin, Chairperson; Nicole Kries-Wyszynski, Chairperson; Marlene Anderson, Ingrid Diaz, Lauren Gmitter, Julie McBride, Jennifer Schneider, Doreen Stanzione
- Communicate and collaborate with entities outside of NJATSA, including written, oral and in-person communications.
- Create and update brochure explaining NJATSA’s mission and contact & membership information
- Develop a speakers’ bureau
- Create and manage all information through the NJATSA website and social media for NJATSA
- Develop, maintain, and update the NJATSA website with current information and keep members informed of news and events through social media.
- Communicate messages that are informative, consistent and promote a positive image on behalf of the organization.
Prevention/Advocacy Committee
Adam Brown, Chairperson; Ruth Anne Koenick, Jennifer Schneider
- Connect the work of NJ ATSA with the work being done with victims of sexually abusive behavior.
- Ensure that NJ ATSA considers prevention/advocacy within the mission and goals of NJ ATSA.
Public Policy Committee
Jessica Oppenheim, Chairperson; La Teisha Callender, Marty Krupnick, Jennifer Schneider, Doreen Stanzione
- Review the relevance, source and appropriateness of requests received by NJ ATSA from external agencies and committees, reporters, hearings and other public forums and individuals for a written or oral response, personal appearance or other action as indicated.
- In coordination with the Social Media Committee, review potentially controversial materials for posting/tweeting on social media.
- Provide information as needed to ensure responses are aligned with NJ ATSA’s mission and goals, and research and best practice.
- Review pending sex offense-related legislation to determine whether to recommend any action by NJ ATSA Board.
Mentoring Committee
Martin Krupnick, Chairperson; LaTeisha Callender, Doreen Stanzione
By-Laws Committee
Julie McBride, Chairperson; Adam Brown, Ruth Anne Koenick, Stu Leeds
- Maintain and update the NJATSA By-laws